
What is the real meaning behind Mercy?

      The word mercy is a relatively large part of our lives. Whether it's getting 'Mercy-Ruled', or 'showing mercy', or 'University of Detroit Mercy', we can't seem to escape mercy. But what does it actually mean? The dictionary defines Mercy as: compassion or forgiveness shown towards someone whom it is within one's power to punish or harm . So yes, mercy means to forgive, or to show compassion, instead of harming someone. Makes sense. But why is it, that people do not always show mercy? The concepts of kindness, compassion and forgiveness have been a staple of how society raises us. In kindergarten, we all enjoyed those warm, fuzzy books about the little rabbit who made friends with a dog, or the mouse who made friends with the lion. Children that show forgiveness, and kindness are rewarded. But why do these ideals not hold through? Much like the communist ideal of 'sharing is caring', the idea of mercy does not carry forth into a person&#

The Dot Com Bubble and the Great Recession

The 1990s was a period of economic growth. Aided by Bill Clinton's post-inflation economic policy, interest rates were considerably low. This lead to a mass proliferation of startup companies, which did business almost exclusively on the internet, or dot com companies. Many of these companies had goals that were far too ambitious, but investors, drawn in by the novelty of the dot com company, put their faith in these goals. This created a stock market bubble, or a massive rise in share prices for these dot com companies, with no real backing. Naturally, when these companies failed to meet their goals, the bubble burst, and stock prices plunged.   Sweat   shows the effect of the burst bubble on the stock market, in their little scene builders, showing how the DOW falls " a record 617-point drop.. after the tech bubble bursts". It is no surprise, that this is precedes the chapter with the greatest economic turmoil, wherein Tracey realizes that Oscar and other immigrants are

Opinion: The MAGA movement is just a skewed rendition of "Let America be America Again"

On Friday, when we were reading Langston Hughes's poem, Let America be America Again , Sohum was given the last line: "And Make America again!". Sohum, very nearly said: "Make America Great Again!". It may have been an honest mistake, but I found some deeper meaning behind his Freudian slip. I found that the MAGA movement, was just a skewed rendition of Langston Hughes's poem.  The MAGA movement built its roots from the "Occupy Wall Street Movement". Discontent with the disparity of wealth in this country, people marched upon Wall Street in New York City. They deemed themselves the 99%, and hated that the '1%'. In fact, it is through this movement, that major present-day GOP figures, like Ted Cruz, got elected. Though the protest was in 2011, the ripple effect could be felt even in 2015, when Donald Trump descended the 'golden escalator'. To the members of OWS, Trump had effectively cut ties with those that they had fought against,

Great Gatsby FanFic Write

  Note: I chose a derivation of the Canon Fic. This is the events after the Great Gatsby, from the POV of a  gangster, in 1920s Chicago. My pops always used to tell me that the quietest cub in the pack, is the most ferocious one. I never understood what he meant, even to this day. Maybe I should've taken note of the beer bottles next to him, every time he said one of his stupid little aphorisms. Man, the theater can get you in a pensive mood. I walked out of that new theater: The Chicago Theater. I have a soft corner for that building, because it was my gang, that financed that building. We took a 100 million dollars from Big Bill Thompson, when the project cost only 50 million. Sneaky, amirite? Now, you may be wondering what we did with that money. We used it to build that pipeline to Canada. "Hey Babyface." "Hey, BabyToes! How've you been?" "Good, Good. Didja hear about old 1000 Lakes in New York? Someone offed him!" 1000 Lakes was a good friend

Opinion: The pursuit of wealth and the downfall it causes.

  In the Great Gatsby, we see Jay Gatsby’s ascent to power, wealth and status, outlined in Chapter 6. The skills that he learnt from Dan Cody, were invaluable, but with no money, Gatsby, or James Gatz had not starting point. It is when he meets Daisy, and they are separated by class, and Daisy’s marriage, that he gains a sense of determination. I believe that this determination is what causes his downfall. Gatsby’s rise to power is aided by Meyer Wolfsheim’s bootlegging industry. I personally found that to be in stark contrast to Gatsby and his nature. Gatsby seems cultured, and a man of ‘fine breeding’, as Meyer Wolfsheim describes him. However, we can see Gatsby’s inner passions come to light as he spends more time with Daisy.  Gatsby may have pursued his wealth, and  got it, we can see that he failed in his ultimate goal: getting Daisy. We can see Gatsby’s carefully constructed mask unravel as he goes from a generally stoic personality, to a man of passion, as he exclaims/yells at T

Opinion: To vote or not to vote? That is the question

  Now, I'm sure that we've all seen the ads related to the midterm elections. Whether that be Tudor Dixon hurting Michigan women or Prop 3 being 'too extreme' and 'too confusing', these ads are taking over your local channels. But I want to talk about a different issue on the ballot this year: Prop 2. Prop 2 would amend the Michigan State Constitution, to a llow nine days of early voting, r equire state-funded postage for absentee applications and ballots, c ontinue to allow registered voters without a state ID to sign an affidavit attesting to their identity, etc.  Now, my problem lies with that last part. Across the US, we see people get turned away, because they don't have explicit ID that enables them to vote. In most cases, the affidavit that they sign, is null, because of some small legal loophole, that prevents that ballot from being counted. In my opinion, that is malarkey. If you want to vote, you should have voter ID. However, it is the duty of the

Optional Blog Post on Violent Images

Note: I chose to take on the newsroom perspective of the issue of violent images. I used this article as my reference: The following letter is from the perspective of a TV producer at CNN, writing to his boss, William Inkwell Dear Mr. Inkwell, There are new images out of Kharkiv. The war rages on and the atrocities have led to more innocent civilian deaths. I am writing to request your permission to air a one particular image. This image is of a dead child in the town square, after an early-morning attack. Now, I understand your sentiment towards the proliferation of violent images. But please, hear me out. This senseless war has gone on long enough. People are dying in droves. The only way that we can put an end to the war, is by stirring up enough public sentiment, to urge action. The people of the European nations surrounding Ukraine, need to be outraged at the atrocities being committed. Simply beca